Planning for Success

Volunteer experiences can provide a healthy sense of accomplishment, skill development, and connections with people you would not otherwise have the opportunity to meet. A successful volunteer experience requires planning on the part of the volunteer. Read on to learn more about planning for your next volunteer experience.
One of the most important things you can bring to an organization is your positive energy and compassion, when you are excited about a cause, your energy will motivate others. Consider your passions, hobbies, and interests when researching a volunteer organization. Write down all of the your top causes and interests and research organizations that are working towards those same causes and interests. There are a multitude of possibilities out there, find the one that sparks your passion.
Organizations recruit volunteers for a variety of roles. Search for local opportunities online in Volunteer Central (Handshake) or the Bloomington Volunteer Network. Think through what types of opportunities work best for you, in-person, remote, one-time, ongoing, hands-on, internship, etc. and narrow it down to your top choices.
Volunteering is a great way to make new friends and connections. If you’re able to meet with other volunteers or team members beforehand, take advantage of the opportunity to learn about the experiences others have had and to meet people outside of your social network.
Some organizations may require a formal volunteer training series beforehand. Check with your organization beforehand to find out if you need to complete volunteer trainings, CPR or first-aid trainings, or if there are required team meetings or tutorials to complete beforehand.
Working out the logistics of volunteering beforehand is a good best practice. Research the physical distance of the volunteer opportunity location and determine how you are going to get there. Your organization may be willing to work with you to find solutions if you need access to transportation. Money is also an important factor — taking part in volunteer activities is often free to you, but make sure to think about factors like gas money, food and supplies if you need them.
Take some time to think about why you might be drawn to a particular cause or organization, and what makes it special to you. Once you have identified the organization that you would like to volunteer with, take the necessary steps to sign up for the volunteer opportunity by following the registration instructions in the volunteer posting.
If you make the decision to sign up for a volunteer opportunity, be sure that you can follow through with your commitment. Volunteer organizations count on your commitment. If unforseen circumstances happen that make it impossible for you to follow through, contact the volunteer organization ahead of time by calling the voluteer coordinator or the person who is organizing the volunteer opportunity or event and let them know.